July 16, 2021
Hey All! It’s been an interesting week here at the studio as we all cycle through our vacation time. Initially just missing Lucy, Kerry and Lily will be absent and at the beach this week as well (hopefully soaking up some sunshine and margaritas). With only Johnny and Michael left at the studio for the time being, they are looking forward to having some more family time
As the rest of the crew sets off, they left us with one task: give away some more cool stuff! Before I announce the winner of last week’s giveaway, I’d like to start by saying we’ll be giving away another fabulous poster print this week! The rules are the same, but if you missed last week’s installation of the Weekly Splash, the contest rules are as follows:
Make sure you are following @thedolphinstudio on instagram
Like our most recent post (we’ll be posting right before this comes out)
In the comments, tag a friend and use #theweeklysplash
...and it’s as simple as that! Below, I’ve attached an image of the print up for grabs.
Now a lot of you may be asking “but who won last week’s poster?”, so it’s probably about time that I got to that part! Just remember that the only way to find out who wins these giveaways is by tuning in to the Weekly Splash! So without further ado, last week’s winner is...
Congratulations!! Reach out to us via Instagram DM so we can send you your prize on Monday. Tune in next week to find out who won this week’s lovely print! Toodles!
P.S. Here is a photo of this week’s giveaway print!